Has it been too long since you had a singing recovery plan for when you are coming back from a sickness?

Vocal sickness affect many singers and it is essential to know how to acquire excellent care of your voice while you recover.

*The ideal tip for a great recovery is hydration. The vocal folds must be hydrated so that you can work.

*Keep away from caffeine and alcohol. Both of these substances delete your body of water. This means your vocal folds do not get the lubrication they have to heal. Sodas, coffee, and tea all contain caffeine.

*In the colder months and in a summer days it is significant to use a humidifier.

*Hydrate your vocal chords when traveling. Drink eight ounces of water during your travel to counteract for the extremely dry air in the plane.

*Gargling is one other way to moisten your dry throat. A favorite recipe of singers is one teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of baking soda, one-half teaspoon clear corn syrup, and 8 ounces of distilled water, warmed.

*Keep healthy. Do not depict yourself to germs if at all possible. This means keep a clean house; do not shake hands, etc.

*Get plenty of rest so you don't be over-tired.

*Exercise on a regular basis.

*Keep away from smog and polluted environments.

*Do not socialize in large rooms with high ceilings, at clamorous parties, and other places that entail you to raise your voice.

*Do not extremely clear your throat.

*Do not scream.

*Speak as little as possible. Use your voice as infrequently as you can. The less you use your voice the more time it has to heal.

*Always warm up and cool down your vocal chords before practicing or performing. Just like an athlete, you must take care of your muscles.

*When you do speak, speak correctly. Speaking correctly can make a big difference for your vocal health. In fact, many singers harm their vocal chords while speaking, not while singing.

*Do not eat before you go to sleep. This can cause heartburn. While you are lying down, acid will wreck the larynx and the esophagus.

Also, do not eat oily foods or dairy foods. These commodities make you want to clear your throat after you eat them which will put tension on your vocal chords.

For example, mayonnaise on a sandwich will cause you to constantly feel as if you have to clear your throat and can result in damage to your voice.

Do not give up hope. If you are slowly nursing your voice back to health the list above may look overwhelming.

However, the items on the list are all things that you should incorporate into your singing plan to keep your voice healthy.

Remember, the most important tip is stay hydrated! Good luck on your road to recovery.

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