As a singer, your number one tool is your body. If you don't take good care of yourself, eating the best foods and exercising, your voice will violate just as fast as any other muscle in your body. So, what foods should a singer concentrate on, and what should they avoid? Let's take a closer look.

Proper Hydration

A huge focus of a singer's diet is on proper hydration. Why hydration? Because your vocal cords must remain loose and moist at all times and most of the effort of singing comes from internal muscles, working continuously.

Dried out vocal cords brings about them to constrict, and can result in hoarseness or scratchiness in your throat. It can downright hurt to sing if you're dehydrated. In addition, your muscles will grow weak and unvaried without enough water.

If you continue to drink coffee, you'll need to increase your diet with at least a gallon of water a day, making sure you remain fully hydrated at all times. By itself, caffeine is not a danger, but low water it creates can be problematic.


Alright, so you need a lot of water. What about the food, though? Like any athlete, you will be using a lot of fuel when you perform. Not only does it take several muscles to sing effectively, you'll likely be moving around on the stage.

So, you will need fuel full of nutrients, and a strong stamina to avoid unnecessary boredom. Raw foods are best for this, with lots of fruit to provide early morning sugar raises, and raw vegetables and salads to produce energy later in the day.

A lot of people prefer enough protein to maintain their muscles moving, but you should avoid oily foods like beef or pork. Rather, eat white chicken or fish. Tofu is an additional great option because of its low fat content material and high vitamin and nutrient content.

Your body is your most useful asset as a singer. Take good care of it and you will be compensated with a stronger, more natural singing voice.

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