Lead singers get many attention, but they are seldom the only singers in a band. Backup vocalists give depth and richness to the song by suiting with the lead singer. Various songs were meant to be sung entirely in harmony.

If you're having trouble harmonizing, there are a few steps you can take to blend your voice with others:

Start with the Basics

Before you learn to sing with others, you must have learn to sing on your own. Begin by learning to sing the C chromatic range. You will quickly learn to identify your natural vocal scale and expand it.

Breath control is another important part of singing. Learn to breathe deeply in a way that fills your lungs and makes your stomach expand when you inhale. You can also increase your lung capacity by drawing deep breaths and holding them for increasingly longer periods of time.

Learn to Match Pitch

Next, play a scale on a piano or use a virtual tuner to play notes. Sing along with each note and try to fit your pitch to the note. This is a vital lesson for anyone who wants to sing harmony.

With some practice, you will learn to identify proper pitch by ear and realize when you're on pitch or off. Keep your vocal chords warmed up and calmed to avoid tensing up and throwing off your pitch.

Practice All the Parts

When you're preparing to harmonize with other singers, it helps to learn their parts as well as your own. Practice singing the lead vocals and the different parts of the harmony. When you know how the other singers will sound, you can acquire steps to match your voice to theirs.

Learn to use proper enunciation and to inhale without whispering. You want your voice to blend smoothly with the other vocalists, so avoid harsh or sibilant sounds by just skipping problematic letters, like 's'.

Strive for Balance

When harmonizing, you don't need to stand out from the audience. Control your volume to keep it on par with the other singers. Don't improvise or over sing your part, because it will only take away from the harmony.

Remember, you and the other harmonizers are a team. Your voices should mix to form a complex but beautiful sound, with no different voice grabbing more than its share of attention.

Record Your Practices

Many vocalists like to record their practice sessions and play them back to hear for problem areas. Record yourself as you try to harmonize with musical notes and other people's voices.

Practice often, and continue to record and play back your sessions. After a week or so, you will hear an improvement. Harmonizing will come easier, and it will feel more natural.

Train Your Ear

When people harmonize in perfect pitch, their voices resonate with each other. Try to match your pitch and volume to someone else voice and you will hear this effect. It happens when voices blend perfectly.

You can train yourself to listen for this resonance, and to listen for argumentation that suggests imperfect harmonizing. It takes practice, but getting able to harmonize by ear is quite a nice reward for your efforts.

Get an Audio Training Course

Many singers need someone to help them learn harmony. There is no shame in seeking the advice of a professional voice coach, although the cost of private lessons can be prohibitive.

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